Chi Omega Hits the Beach!

After 2 months of attending class, trudging through the snow, studying into the late hours of the night, meeting with steering committees, what two words have every Chi O jumping for joy?


Some members traveled home to spend some time with family and friends, but lots of girls went to the beach! Whether it was Mexico, Texas, or Florida, all Chi Os found plenty of sun, sand, and surf.

Road trips with your sisters are always fun- especially with plenty of snacks and music!

On their way down to Florida, four members of the freshmen pledge class stopped by Chi Omega National Headquarters in Memphis, TN.

During the day, we relaxed by laying or playing on the beach.

At night, Spring Break offered lots of opportunities to dress up and have fun out in a new town!

Our Merchandise Chair, Alexis Lucente, designed adorable oversized tanks for the entire chapter just in time for Spring Break.

A Picniked photo by junior member Heather Trumpfheller sums up how we feel about our Chi Omega sisterhood:

Peace, love, and Chi O became our unofficial motto.

Now, we are all back at school, and it’s time to hit the books again. However, a week on the beach with our Chi Omega sisters was the perfect break to recharge, relax, and get ready for the few short weeks ahead until finals begin.

3 thoughts on “Chi Omega Hits the Beach!

  1. Hello! I’m a fellow Chi Omega and would love to know where you got your spring break tanks made! We’re looking for oversize tanks.

    • Hi Kayla,
      Typically we contact a local Greek/Tshirt company and order it. Maybe just tell the company what our tanks said and they can tell make them for you!

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